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Mr. Niese has been involved in the Rover Pipeline Project / Kinder Morgan “Utopia” Pipeline Project. On these projects Mr. Niese helped both the Pipelines and the Landowners to make sure that the drain tile that was impacted was restored back to Pre-Existing conditions. This was accomplished by designing Drain Tile Relocation & Reclamation Plans (DTR&R Plans) for each individual landowner whom their drain tile was impacted. These Plans helped eliminate drain tile within the right-of-way for the Pipeline Companies and provided a great solution for the landowners drain tile. Mr. Niese, along with his drainage operation installed the DTR&R Plans for landowners in Ashland, Richland, Crawford, and Seneca Counties.
During the Construction Phase of the Rover Pipeline Mr. Niese was hired as the Drain Tile Inspector for Ashland, Richland, Crawford, and Seneca Counties spread. Mr. Niese oversaw all drain tile repairs on this Spread to make sure the tile repairs were being done correctly by the Pipeline Contractor. That was hired to repair the drain tile.
Mr. Niese helped Capital Power - 90 Wind Turbine Farm Project to locate the existing drain tile and prepare road construction Plans for the landowner that were involved.
Mr. Niese is truly knowledgeable and experienced when it comes to collecting GPS Data, Mapping of Data, and working with an ESRI system. The ESRI system builds all the data into one system that will and can be shared with all parties involved with the Projects.
Mr. Niese is a co-owner of Crawford Drainage Co. LTD. With 49 years of experience in Farm Drainage, Dirt Moving, Erosion Control, Pond Building, Waterway Construction and Open Ditch Work.